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- TF01
- 3,Letters
- 4,Edited by Simon Plumbe
- Following the complete lack of a letters section last time, we're
- back with a vast selection of letters from a few of you, many of
- which have more than a few things to say about the new menu system...
- Baerbel Schmidt
- Ashford, Kent
- England
- Dear Simon,
- I just got your latest Final Frontier. Although the new look is nice
- it is not a system that is user friendly to people like me who don't
- know much about computers. For example, I tried to find your letters
- page and I still don't know if there wasn't one this time or if I
- just couldn't find it. The "handbook" really put me off and confused
- me completely. After the first page I got tired of it and when my
- fiance comes back I will ask him to have a look. This will probably
- be more helpful to me.
- This time all articles were nearly all about technical stuff or
- physics. I found this very one-sided, but I already learned that most
- of your members and readers are male and by experience I can say that
- they are more interested in these kinds of things than females in
- general. For me the characters and the story are what makes me a
- Trekker and not so much the technical background. Letters and
- comparing views about stories and characters is what gives life to a
- magazine! Strangely enough, the German clubs I am a member in are
- usually in front concerning news but I enjoy my membership in English
- clubs mainly because of the opportunity to take part in discussions,
- find new pen pals and compare opinions. If there really wasn't a
- letter page this time, please bring it back and encourage your
- readers in active discussions!
- All the best,
- Baerbel
- Hi Baerbel,
- Thanks for your comments. First, your point about the menu
- system. With any menu system, it is really a matter of personal
- taste, but for non-computer buffs like yourself it can take a
- little time to familiarise themselves. With saying that, once
- you have used the new TFF system for a short while it will soon
- become second nature. Also, if you ever want to know what
- articles are on each issue, just go to the Editorial Menu and
- select Credits.
- Okay, I must agree with you on the level of technical articles
- found in the last issue, but in all honesty we used almost all
- of the material that was submitted to us. I'll generally use
- anything sent in as long as it's good or at least readable!
- Also, as Issue 7 was a Borg special, technical bias was
- unavoidable because of the very nature of the subject.
- As far as character-based articles are concerned, yes I'd love
- to see more of them myself, but sadly I don't really have
- enough time to write many like this because of my other writing
- and work commitments, but if any readers want to write them,
- I'll use them!
- With regards to your comments on readers letters, there was no
- letters section last time as there simply were not enough
- letters to warrant having a section! For some strange reason,
- TFF readers seem to be very passive - I've tried to encourage
- more interaction, but it doesn't seem to work. I like that sort
- of thing in fanzines too, but with TFF, as with any other fan
- publication, we can only use what is sent in! Compared to UK
- fan clubs, there is a far smaller percentage of our readers who
- bother to contact us and out of those who do, the majority
- write in just to order future or back issues or to enquire
- about our releases, but we tend to have very few "real"
- letters.
- In order to try and prompt a few more letters from readers,
- we're trying out a new "vouchers" scheme starting with this
- issue. Every reader who has a letter published, has something
- used for the trivia section or has any questions answered in
- the Q&A section will receive Infinite Frontiers vouchers which
- can be exchanged for discounts on releases or free gifts. For
- more details on this, read the "Free Gifts" article in the
- Editorial Menu.
- To try and encourage more articles and general submissions from
- readers, you'll notice that this issue sees the start of what
- might become a regular competition with great prizes on offer
- for some of the best submissions we receive for future issues
- of The Final Frontier.
- Anyway, thanks for your comments,
- Simon
- William Sienkiewicz
- Southgate, London
- England
- Dear Final Frontier Editorial Crew,
- INCREDIBLE! ... is the word I will use to describe the new look of
- the mag - much kudos to programmer Luke Elliott!
- I can't tell you how atmospheric the whole thing is, especially the
- sound of the warp-engine in the background, you should send a copy to
- Michael Okuda and tell him to use it on the Star Trek: Voyager VDU
- displays!
- In actual fact the first issue of FF I saw was issue 6 and, after
- seeing other disk-magazines such as Grapevine, that issue of FF
- looked very drab... but the content was very interesting (I'm now
- thinking of going to Star Trek conventions after reading the exploits
- of some of your crew!) - it's great to know there are fellow Trekkies
- on the Amiga scene.
- Right, praise over with - I have some comments to get off my chest...
- I whole heartedly agree with your comments about many Star Trek
- novels. Being new to Trek fiction I bought a few books recommended in
- FF6. "The Siege" (DS9 Book 2) was very violent and the way the story
- is structured would suit a comic-book - no doubt due to Peter David's
- experience in that format (and would Quark really say "...you poor
- bastard..." to someone? There were too many curse words in my opinion
- - to simply say "...Quark cursed..." is more than enough - anyone
- agree with me?). The other novel I read was "The Devils Heart" which,
- despite several critisisms, I liked.
- I am now more wary of Trek novels as a result of books like "The
- Siege" and "Fallen Heroes" (DS9 Book 5) - I recommend new readers to
- start with "The Emissary" (DS9 Book 1) - which I cannot (almost)
- fault.
- On another literary note I strongly recommend the three Star Wars
- books by Timothy Zahn - easily the best sci-fi books I have read -
- and the classic "Dune" by Frank Herbert (you won't believe that it
- was published in 1966).
- It's a shame that The Next Generation has ended - I felt that in
- Season 7 everything came to fruition for the crew (my favorite
- episode is "Lower Decks" - I hope we see more of those characters)
- and the final episode was excellent - a very intellectual story!
- Deep Space Nine has gone from strength to strength in the second
- season - it'll be interesting to finally see what the Dominion is in
- the final episode - there were enough references to them throughout
- the season and they look set to pose a major "threat" to the
- Federation and other three galaxy quadrants - I think you named your
- coming convention wisely, especially if the Dominion become really
- popular!
- I have the Star Trek Encyclopedia too and it is very interesting
- reading - especially in finding the numerous errors. In addition to
- the many faults you listed I have discovered:
- i) no mention of Ensign Kellogg (Who? - everyone else)
- ii) errors in the warp-speed chart and also
- iii) I'm sure that the Romulan unit of temperature is "octvaars" not
- "onkian" as stated in the book - plus more errors.
- I advise Mark Platts to get hold of a copy to help his starship
- reference list (e.g. there IS a USS Galaxy - and apparantly Gene
- Roddenberry said that there are only six Galaxy-class ships in
- existence).
- Erm... well I think that's all I can write at the moment but no doubt
- I will write back again to bore you even more (although I'll probably
- be busy at university by then) - I've included a couple of files on
- the disc that you may find useful for a future issue of FF (sorry
- about the paragraph symbols but I don't think my word-processor
- (PowerText 2) can turn them off (anyone know how?).
- Until next time - and remember: "Keep your ears open." - 7th Rule of
- Acquisition.
- Sincerely,
- William Sienkiewicz
- P.S. Has anyone else been watching season 7 of The Next Generation on
- German satellite channel SAT 1 (11295 GigaHertz - or 1295 on
- Amstrad SRD400)? Oddly enough I prefer the German version of
- "Lower Decks" - and I've picked up the language: "Das is
- correct", "Das iz absolute logish!", "Dor Habar", "Nein! Canadia
- sir, Canadia!" ... No? Oh well...
- P.P.S. Does anyone know how I can obtain a quality DS9 jumpsuit
- (Commander Siskos' uniform) and the price?
- P.P.P.S. Someone mentioned in FF7 that O'Brien playing the cello was
- a deviation to his character on DS9 - however, it is now
- known that his father wanted him to become an accomplished
- cellist but O'Brien opted for a career in Starfleet.
- Capeesh?
- Well, thanks for your letter and all your coments.
- I'm glad you like the new look TFF but as we've always
- maintained, it's the contents that count and NOT the
- presentation. To prove my point, in a recent issue of Amiga
- User International, they reviewed Grapevine Issue 19 and while
- they praised the presentation, they commented on the poor
- standard of articles and awarded it 80%. In contrast, Issue 6
- of TFF received a rating of 86% with very basic, and even crude
- presentation. Need I say more?!
- I won't comment on anything else in your letter - I'll leave
- that to our other readers next time!
- Simon
- Alan Aylott
- Newbury, Berkshire
- England
- Dear Simon,
- Thankyou for the latest issue of The Final Frontier (7), which I have
- just received. The new look I can only describe as awesome. As with
- previous issues I have greatly enjoyed reading articles and looking
- at artwork/photos contained in the magazine.
- My one problem is that the text tends to go too far to the right hand
- side of my television screen and in cases of a full line of text the
- last character is lost or unreadable. I am not aware of any way in
- which I can adjust this as I do not posess much knowhow on this sort
- of thing.
- Please consider trimming your text lines by one or two characters.
- Yours sincerely,
- Alan Aylott
- Thanks for you comments Alan.
- As far as your point about the text is concerned, most modern
- TVs (and all monitors) can be adjusted horizontally and this
- should solve the problem in the short term, however I take note
- of what you're saying and I'll look into it. I couldn't do
- anything in time for this issue as a large amount of material
- was finished shortly after Issue 7 was released and it would
- have entailed a lot of work re-editing the mag!
- One thing that could be causing the problem is your Amiga
- itself. The output from most Amigas differs slightly (which is
- why Workbench allows you to alter the screen positions) and
- yours could be slighly offset to the right and unfortunately
- there is no way to avoid this.
- If anyone else experienced this problem please let us know and
- we'll see what we can do for Issue 9.
- Simon
- Steve Roffey
- Ashford, Kent
- England
- Dear Simon,
- I would just like to add that I positively *love* what you're doing.
- TFF is the best Star Trek related thingy I've seen. The Marina Sirtis
- pix [Issue 6] were mighty fine!
- Keep it up,
- Yours,
- Steve Roffey
- Gavin Jones
- Royston, Barnsley
- England
- Dear Infinite Frontiers,
- Just a short note to congratulate you on the new look Final Frontier
- Disk Magazine. Cannot wait for Isue 8.
- Keep up the good work,
- Gavin Jones
- Imran Ali
- Bradford
- England
- Dear TFF,
- On 11/9/94, at a computer show in Bradford, I picked a copy of TFF #7
- from the Telescan stand. I'd been meaning to buy one for months, but
- never got round to it. Upon booting, the startup sequence does not
- work on my A1200, so it required some editing of the assigns. Also a
- hard drive install routine would be useful for you to include. Even
- without LCARS working I explored the text and graphics files and I
- must say the quality of the material outstrips "official" SF mags and
- fanzines.
- Once running, the LCARS environment was a dream to use; are the LCARS
- libraries freely useable by readers, or must it be licenced from the
- author? It would make writing multimedia applications very easy to
- produce.
- Speaking of multimedia, how about compiling all Infinite Frontiers
- material onto a single CD for CDROM users. I realise you may not have
- the resources for this but how about licencing your stuff to CDPD or
- 17bit to produce a CD, say every 6 issues of TFF.
- Keep up the good work!
- Yours Sincerely,
- Imran Ali
- Thanks for your letter, Imran.
- To start off with your comments about TFF running on your
- A1200, every issue of TFF is tested extensively on a wide range
- of machines prior to release and I would like to stress that it
- passed our rigourous tests with flying colours so I can't
- really understand what problems you experiences, but if you can
- let me know your system configuration, I'll look into it. TFF 7
- has been tested and works perfectly on the ENTIRE range of
- Amigas and was tested on an A500 (1.3), A500+, A1200, A2000,
- A3000, and an A4000 so you can see that your problem may be
- down to your specific hardware configuration. Also, all future
- issues will also be tested on a CD32 with an SX-1 expansion
- unit. In fact, LCARS itself was developed on an A1200 so if
- anything it should be most suited to that machine.
- We definitely WON'T be licencing LCARS out for use by other
- people and, to be honest, I get quite upset when I learn that
- readers are pulling the system apart for their own use. If you
- read the "Distribution" file it does state that TFF should be
- distributed in its entirety and that ALL files are copyrighted
- and should not be used without permission. A vast amount of
- development time has gone into TFF and LCARS and we don't want
- to see it disected!
- Also, if we licenced LCARS out, there would be nothing we could
- do to stop other disk mags from using it, which is why it has
- been copyrighted to Infinite Frontiers.
- As far as CD, we're one step ahead of you. Back in September
- '94, we set up an exclusive deal with Almathera to include the
- ENTIRE Infinite Frontiers range on CDPD V which is due for
- release later this year. The CD will contain, amongst other
- titles, TFF 1-8, Holodeck 1-6, Illusions and anything else we
- have released by that time.
- I spoke to Jolyon Ralph at Almathera who was excited by the
- idea of featuring our range of software and I recently sent the
- first batch of 50 disks to him for inclusion. If this idea goes
- down well, then I can't see why we won't arrange to include
- future releases on other discs in the CDPD series at irregular
- intervals.
- Simon
- Warren Mason
- Royal Air Force
- Morayshire
- Scotland
- Dear Simon and Colin,
- Just thought I'd drop you a line with regards to vol 7 of The Final
- Frontier. What can I say, excellent! The new menu sets the magazine
- off perfectly and the features continue to improve with each volume.
- Keep up the good work and good luck with future issues.
- Warren Mason
- John Bilton
- Doncaster
- England
- I have been very impressed with the last 3 issues of The Final
- Frontier that I have read (5-7), especially the new LCARS system,
- which makes reading the magazine so much easier and a lot more fun.
- John Bilton
- More letters next time...